Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sunset Seafood Dinner

What's the best way to end a day at the Sydney Fish Market? Why, with a seafood dinner on a secluded rock by the cove, watching the sun set over the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge, of course!

J's sis and her boyfriend bought us a lovely feast from the Fish Market comprising of 2 dozen oysters, boiled prawns and the interesting spanner crabs from my last post. A's boyfriend found a lovely little stone ledge a short walk into the bush which overlooked Sydney City, the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. And the enterprising A brought tarp sheets and blankets to sit on and even remembered the lemons and tabasco sauce!

What a treat! Needless to say, we truly enjoyed ourselves, nibbling on oysters, prawns and crabs while watching the sun set over the city. Sometimes, it's the simple pleasures in life that brings most joy.


boo_licious said...

Wowwee! That looks good - the seafood and the view.

Babe_KL said...


Pink Elle said...

Hello Boo and Babe,

Sigh, if only everyday dinners were as nice as that! :)