Thursday, April 26, 2007
Alternative Income
Posted by
Pink Elle
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Dad Cooks Dinner
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Labels: food, home-cooked
Poor Little Dog
The young man looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it to the safety of the waves. "It will make a difference to this one," he said.
My friend's neighbour keeps a dog, Biby, in his house who's only purpose is to act as a guard dog as he is chained 24 hours to the side of the wall, in the heat and rain. I recently saw Biby and he was in a terribly pitiful state. The dog was painfully thin, so much so that his ribs were protruding and his spinal bones stuck up against his thin skin. Biby's a mongrel, and not a very pretty one, but still it is no excuse for starving the poor dog.
Biby has a bowl of water, one that's hardly changed for weeks and from what we see, he's hardly ever fed. Once the owners went off for several days and not once did they spare a thought for poor Biby's welfare. Instead, my friend ended up feeding him some leftover dog food that he had because he couldn't bear to see the piteous sight. Last weekend, I fed her a stale sandwich and it broke my heart to see the way she leapt at it so eagerly and gobbled it down in 2 seconds without leaving even a crumb.
It's very sad to see her malnourished and neglected state. Biby's probably known no love, affection or warmth in his miserable life. The owner beats him sometimes when he barks too loudly at night. I don't profess to being much of an animal lover but such cruelty makes me very angry and sad. No animal deserves to be treated in such a manner. I've started keeping whatever scraps I have from dinner for my friend to feed her. And maybe the butcher in the market might be willing to spare a bone or two.
If there is a dog heaven, then I guess all dogs should be loved the same way Precious Pea and Pumpkin are treated. Unfortunately, we know this is never the case so although I can't help all ill-treated dogs out there, I hope to at least make a difference to this one. Let Easter which was just over and Wesak Day around the corner, be a reminder to show a little compassion. I hope to update an improvement on her condition soon!
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by the way its animals are treated."
~Mahatma Gandhi~
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Labels: rambles
To Study or Not?
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Bid and Win
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Environment and Me
EDSG is a company which helps businesses meet their compliance through their EHS Compliance Software. They assist in analyzing the business’ requirements, identifying the gaps, designing a suitable Information System and also providing services in the EHS Software Implementation. Their compliance services include areas of risk management planning, air permitting, spill prevention planning, emergency response planning, chemical inventory management, audit program development and waste management.
The waste management services are done through their remediation services which provides speedier site cleanup of contaminants. Hopefully with technology advances and EHS Metrics Software, we can help to leave a cleaner and healthier environment for our next generation.
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Dead Pixels Begone!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
When it rains, it pours

Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Labels: rants
My Healthy Breakfast #2
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Labels: food
Monday, April 23, 2007
Posted by
Pink Elle
Monday, April 23, 2007
In the Mood for Love

Posted by
Pink Elle
Monday, April 23, 2007
Labels: fun stuff
Online Shopping
Posted by
Pink Elle
Monday, April 23, 2007
Labels: rambles
Perfect Pressie
Discounts are always great when you're perpetually on a budget, like me, so an opportunity to buy tickets to sold-out concerts at fantastic prices isn't something I'll pass up! It's got tickets to all the great concerts by all the new and old performers ranging from pop rock, jazz, blues, name it and they have them all!
But shh...I'm trying to keep it a secret till his birthday although I'm bursting with excitement!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
It's a Simple Life
Posted by
Pink Elle
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Labels: food, home-cooked
Friday, April 20, 2007
Boot Camp - An update
Posted by
Pink Elle
Friday, April 20, 2007
Labels: fitness
Take a Picture *click*
Recently, while wondering how to display some of my digital photos, I was recommended a new way of displaying photos by a friend who has tried using LCD digital frames. Paying her home a visit, I found it a really novel idea using a digital picture frame to display my digital photos. It allows us to display our digital photos without having to develop them and even allows the pictures to scroll to display different ones at different times! How exciting to have a constantly changing digital photo frame!
Guess my next weekend will be spent sorting out my digital photos to frame up next!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Friday, April 20, 2007
Labels: rambles
Salmon Steak Cafe
I had the fried rice with fish fillet and was pleasantly surprised to see the size of the fish! The fish was what the local supermarkets sell as dory and it came wrapped in an omelette together with an eggy fried rice which was surprisingly tasty. That black splotch was a black pepper sauce which actually tasted much better than it looked and went well with the rice.
Bro had the beef fillet with the same eggy fried rice. The good-sized fillet came smothered in the same black pepper sauce and was quite tender and nice.
It's rather no-frills (look at their plates!) but for the price and portion size, who can complain?! It's RM5 deals are even available on weekends which makes it a very popular place especially with students. It is worth a try if you don't mind simple no-frills food and hanging out in StudentVille and feeling a little old amongst the 18 year olds!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Friday, April 20, 2007
Labels: food
Secret Poker
Posted by
Pink Elle
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Fun Tool!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Funny Little Boy
Posted by
Pink Elle
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Labels: rambles
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Free Flights...NOT!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Labels: rambles
Beautiful Backyards
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Russian Roulette
So who's the "lucky" player tonight?
Turbot: Don't bug us! At RM278/kg, we're trying to procreate more good investments!
Scotland Clams: Bleahhh *sticks out tongue*
Haruan: *sinisterly slinks by*
Oysters at a cheap RM7?
Oysters: Oy! What're ya looking at?! Stop crowding us!
Lobsters at RM233/kg, perhaps?
Lobsters: What're oysters complaining about?! We're triple their value and still crowded!
Might be Snow White at RM183/kg?
Snow Crabs: Who's the fairest of them all?
Possibly even the King at RM288/kg!
King Crabs: Shh..maybe if we crouch real low they won't see us!
Geoducks: Why do they call us obscene-looking?!
Disclaimer: No marine life was harmed in this round of Russian Roulette. Their stakes were much too high!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Pantai Seafood
Taste: Best eaten hot, it was nice and crispy. The mild-tasting sauce added an interesting flavour to it. I'm not a fan of creamy stuff but the rest liked it. We saw another table with a brownish sauce, similar to this texture and figured maybe the crispy bits are meant to be mixed together into the butter sauce.
One thing good is that when your first dish appears, you can be assured that your next few will start appearing in rapid succession! This is another signature item - two style kailan. It's deep-fried shredded kailan leaves over stir-fried stalks.
Taste: I found it a bit oily but I liked the little anchovies generously sprinkled on the top!
This is a must-have and their speciality - deep fried pork knuckle! They bring it to your table to show it off first before removing it to cut it up but if you so desire, you're free to ask them to leave it for you to tear into :)
Taste: Served with a sourish plum sauce, this was one of my favourites! It's crispy on the outside and tenderly soft inside. Delicious!
Kam heong lala was next. This was done with the bigger type of lala but to our disappointment, there wasn't much meat at all in the shells. The few mouths I took were either bits of shell or horrors..sand!
Taste: There wasn't much flavour or taste either and worse, it was cold by the time it came to our table. Thumbs down!
We've been having a hankering for sotong goreng tepung for a while already so we insisted on this despite the staff telling us everything else was deep-fried!
Taste: I was quite disappointed though to see if coming coated with thick batter. I was hoping for the thinly coated crumbly batter that the Malay stalls do so well! An unfulfilled craving leaves an unfulfilled Pinkelle!
The highlight of the night - the crabs! They recommended salt egg crabs which is supposed to be their signature dish. Signature made up for some of the not-so-good dishes.
Taste: We had two very meaty crabs which came generously coated with salt egg. Very enjoyable and it was rather reasonable at about RM33/kg!
The bill came up to under RM40 per pax for 5 of us which wasn't too bad at all, considering the amount we ate and took away! As we were finishing, we saw a couple who had just come in. The guy asked his girlfriend to hold an empty table while he went off to place the order. She however, insisted on following him and needless to say, in a popular place like this, their table was gone by the time they came back! Tsk tsk...girls, don't attach yourself to your guy when he needs you to hold the table in a terribly busy restaurant! :p
Posted by
Pink Elle
Monday, April 16, 2007
Labels: food
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Boot Camp
Posted by
Pink Elle
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Labels: fitness
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Mushroom Bruschetta
Posted by
Pink Elle
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Labels: food, home-cooked
Friday, April 13, 2007
Bollywood Parade
Posted by
Pink Elle
Friday, April 13, 2007
Onions make me cry
So it's tough to peel off the layers! But since Soo Yin's always so sweet about doing my tags, here it goes, just the thing to relax a bit with after a rough week!
Part 1: on the outside
Name : I'll answer to Pink Elle! Pink because I like pink and glitter and Elle because I can be a little like Elle Woods in Legally Blonde - fluffy, peeenk with "blonde" moments!
Date of birth : 28 September
Current status : Unmarried
Eye color : Dark Brown
Hair color : Dark brown with hint of leftover highlights
Right or left handed : Righty
Zodiac : The wonky scales - Libra
Part 2: on the inside
My heritage : 100% Hokkien girl who speaks it with a funny accent
My fear : Losing the ones I love
My weakness : Not knowing what I want (blame it on the scales)
My perfect pizza : Thin crust, the thinner the better
Part 3: yesterday, today & tomorrow
Your first thought waking up : I wish it was Saturday
Tomorrow : is Saturday! Yippee!
Your bedtime : 12-ish
Most missed memory : My childhood and Uni years
Part 4: your pick
Pepsi or coke : Don't really drink soft drinks but Vanilla Coke's nice :)
McD or burger king : Burger King. Their burgers feel less commercialised
Single or group dates : Single. I'm an introvert.
Adidas or Nike : Nike..I'm fluffy, I subscribe to the Nike good commercials :p
Lipton tea or nestea : Neither
Chocolate or vanila : Depends
Cappuccino or coffee : Don't drink either
Part 5: do you..
Smoke : Hate it
Curse : Can't bring myself to say the f-word but manage its variations :D
Part 6: in the past month
Drank alcohol : Nope
Gone to the mall? : Work too close to one
Been on stage : Nope, introvert remember?!
Eaten sushi : Yep
Part 7: what were you doing
1 minute ago : Changing the colour of those damn headers :p
1 hour ago : Scrambling like a stressed mad monkey
4 1/2 hours ago : Working through lunch (no lunch!!)
1 month ago : Laughing at this little man
1 year ago : Can't remember so far back :p
Part 8: finish the sentence
I love : Travels and holidays...bring them on!
I feel : The stress slowly seeping out of my bones
I hate : Small-hearted hypocritical imps
I hide : My feelings not very well
I miss : The time when people around me were nicer and less complicated
I need : A maid to clean and iron. Oh and a massage!
Part 9: tag five people
Hmm..this is the hard part. Dunno how many of you have done but hopefully not yet!
Ms Fair Face
Erm..anyone else?
Posted by
Pink Elle
Friday, April 13, 2007
Labels: fun stuff
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I'm Craving For...
Posted by
Pink Elle
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Labels: food
Off to Find a Kahuna
LoudLaunch - Compensating bloggers for their unbiased opinions, reviews, and analysis. View the LoudLaunch campaign release this post was based on.
Posted by
Pink Elle
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Government Agencies
- Having a receptionist to find out what you want and press one of the many buttons there to guide you to the right counter.
- Having enough chairs to sit on.
- Having aircond and telly while you wait.
- Polite staff who did greet me with a smile. Looks like the campaign has worked! The days of surly Government staff are dead!
- Whatever button the receptionist pressed didn't make much difference to me. The numbers weren't moving in sequence and until I left, I couldn't for my life figure out how the numbers were rotating!
- Screaming children running all over the place and crawling around on the dirty floor.
- At least 20+ counters out of which only half or less were open. They should go out for lunch earlier knowing that most people would come in during lunch to settle their matters.
- And my biggest rant - Having to wait for more than an hour just to submit my form and be thumb-printed for a simple change in personal details! Why can't we just be a little more technology savvy and allow changes to be made through the website?! After all, if people today conduct all sorts of transactions over the Internet, why still stick to the old-fashioned way of thumb-printing just for procedure's sake?!
I heard too that to register for tax e-filing this year means making a trip to the tax office. If I'm going to make a trip there, what's the point in me doing e-filing then?! *shakes head*
Posted by
Pink Elle
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Labels: rants
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My List
*This is not a sponsored post*
Earn Money Blogging
PabloPabla's Whatever
Make Money with blogging
Paris Beaverbanks
Free Links Giveaway
Free Blogger Templates
Making a Living
How to be a Better Blogger
My Women Stuff
Hochiak! Delicious Asian Food
Best Recipes
Champagne Tastes on a Beer Budget
Daryl's Discovery Journey
The fluff must go somewhere
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Labels: fun stuff
Indian Delights
Really good but filling! Not the best thing to have before a couch potato night with Desperate Housewives! :p
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Labels: food
BloggerWave Goes Live
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I'm a Woman...
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Labels: rambles
Busty Issues
LoudLaunch - Compensating bloggers for their unbiased opinions, reviews, and analysis. View the LoudLaunch campaign release this post was based on.
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
How to take a train...
- First get to the station and hope very hard that you haven't missed the nearest train. Otherwise the arrival of the next train will probably be anyone's guess.
- Hope very hard you've picked a vantage point and the doors will open right in front of you. According to Murphy's Law, it will not.
- Do not queue. Nobody does. Shove your way to the door and ignore the poor passengers who are struggling to get out.
- Once in, scramble wildly for seats which again according to Murphy's Law, there will not be any available.
- Grab on to something when the train starts to move but the tightly packed bodies should keep you upright anyway.
- If you're a lady, hope that you're not near a lecherous man who gets a thrill of having some form of bodily contact with you.
- Hope the people around you have showered or at least used some perfume.
- Hope no one around you decides to release some foul-smelling bodily odours!
- Hope again that the train does not shudder to a stop in between stations due to congestion of the train lines.
- Finally, do enjoy your train ride :)
Posted by
Pink Elle
Monday, April 09, 2007
Labels: rants
Friday, April 06, 2007
Kamikaze Bugs
Posted by
Pink Elle
Friday, April 06, 2007
Labels: rants
Clicking Cleaner
Posted by
Pink Elle
Friday, April 06, 2007
Labels: rambles
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Nasi Goreng Kampong
Grrrr...don't you just hate it when your cravings aren't filled?! I sulkily attempted to eat about 1/3 of it before giving up. Not only was it oily, it didn't have any taste sans fried onions.
And that won't be the only reasons why I won't be buying anymore food from that stall. As I was uploading my photos, I discovered something I didn't see on the pack itself!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
All My Bags are Packed!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Pudu Pan-Mee
It's manned by this husband and wife team and they do a brisk business to both their own customers and the soup customers who don't mind something extra soupy! They only have one version - soup but you can have the option of either hand-cut pieces or long noodles. I prefer the hand-cut ones. It tends to leave it with a rough, uneven texture that makes good chewing!
I find that it makes a nice dinner if you're looking for something light. Then again, I am quite the pan-mee fan! Do give it a try if you are ever in that area!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Labels: food
Who's Weird?
- I don't like amusement park rides.
- I'm guilty of anthromorphism - I talk about my stuffed toys as if they're human with emotions and feelings! ;p
- Nutrilite daily vitamins make me throw up, so does spirulina in any form.
- I have to floss every night.
- I'm partly obsessed about cleaning the kitchen sink after I've washed up.
- I get sudden cravings for certain foods and will eat it everyday until I get real sick of it.
- I burn my bridges sometimes.
- I have the attention span of a goldfish and get bored really easily. My many half-finished little projects are testimony to that!
- I'm usually quiet and reserved unless you know me really well which leads many to assume that I'm really unfriendly.
- I can't tell left from right :p
Now who shall I tag next?! Hmm...
Soo Yin - you up for another? I always tag you cos you mentioned you like doing them! Just yell at me if you're tired! :p
Angie - Here you go! :)
Alan - how about another meme? ;)
Posted by
Pink Elle
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Labels: fun stuff
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Dreams Can Come True
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
My Healthy Breakfast
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Labels: home-cooked
My Arm's Alive!
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Labels: rambles
A house to have and hold
Posted by
Pink Elle
Tuesday, April 03, 2007