Thursday, June 07, 2007

Boost Your Career

A colleague at work was feeling a little depressed recently. He felt that he was being passed over for promotions and increments because he didn’t have a degree. He was a tough guy who had worked his way to where he was through sheer determination and grit. So I could understand his frustration at seeing young people with degrees coming in and getting better promotions and pay compared to him. And so the next time he complained bitterly to me, I suggested that he check out an online university called capella university. It’s fully online and accredited so he can do an undergraduate degree in the comfort of his own home while working. Students will have great support from professional and committed staff who will help them in every way they can. The university currently serves more than 17,000 students in all 50 states of America and more than 56 countries in the world. The next time I met him, he confided that he had signed up for a business bachelor degree course. I wish him all the best!

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